It is essential to prepare your site before we come and install your Pioneer Water Tank. The tank must be installed on a stable sand pad foundation to protect your water tank.
There are some essential things to consider when selecting your tank site and preparing the pad.

- The sand pad must be level, stable, and debris-free before construction. Inert sand is advised.
- For an effective water tank installation, the sand pad must be at least two metres larger than the diameter of your tank.
- For sloping tank sites, ensure adequate drainage to divert runoff from the tank wall.
- A retaining wall may be required to maintain pad integrity (1000 litres of water weighs 1 tonne).
- Your tank should not ever be left empty. As per PT11-04 MS07 D01 Rural Tank Certificate – a minimum of 300mm of water should be stored in your water tank at all times.
- Although a properly prepared sand pad will minimise the risk of contaminants or debris compromising your water supply, we recommend installing a geotextile membrane for added protection.

The geotextile underlay provides an intermediate protective layer and a strong barrier between the internal tank liner (Aqualiner®) and the ground.
Geotextile underlay reduces the risk of the liner coming into contact with sharp objects or burying insects or vermin that might be in the area.